Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

We have discussed many waterproofing methods in our previous posts. There are some advance waterproofing methods which have not been discussed. Liquid waterproofing chemical membrane is one of the advance waterproofing methods used widely. Liquid Waterproofing Membrane can used at any surface.

It’sbeen around for more than three decades.

In Liquid waterproofing membrane a high base solvent material is used. This material is mostly composed of urethane or polymeric asphalts. It can be in cold or hot liquid form state. It dries naturally and does not require a dryer.

The liquid chemical can be applied using brush, spray, roller or squeegee. This liquid membrane can be applied on both sides of the concrete, on positive as well as on negative side. When mixed with concrete this substance show properties of elasticity which is high if compared to other materials used in different waterproofing methods.

To get best results of this technique one should ensure it’s uniformly applied and with proper thickness. For this reason, it’s always recommended to hire professional experts. Some companies have dedicated people specially trained for this method.

The overall cost of this method depends on the quality of the material being used.

There are many drawbacks of this method. We have listed down some major drawbacks, they are:

  • Liquid Membrane gets deteriorated if exposed to UV rays.
  • It cannot withstand foot traffic. Not good for terrace roof waterproofing.
  • The base solvent contains harmful toxic chemicals.

This liquid waterproofing chemical method is mostly used when the sheet membrane methoddoes not work. The biggest advantage is flexibility in case of this method.

We don’t recommend this method as it’s not 100% waterproof and the durability is also not long enough in terms of cost. We have found factories, corporate offices, enterprise building using this method. Not much household people or residential buildinguse this method.

We hope this information has helped you in deciding the best waterproofing method for you. If you have any doubts or queries you can contact us or comment in the comment section.

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